The ascent of a property development for agriculture expert : Shane Comiskey Brisbane? Shane Comiskey Brisbane Queensland has extensive commercial experience in the food & agribusiness sectors. This experience has been acquired from roles as a horticultural producer (10 years), a partner in a boutique agribusiness consultancy (14 years) and most recently operating as a stand alone business consultant. He has an honours degree in agricultural economics. Shane Comiskey’s broad sectoral experience allows him to understand, converse and provide innovative solutions to agribusiness client’s whether they be growers, other agribusiness supply chain members, financiers, industry agencies and government.

Particular focus was provided to agribusiness and food industry clients, with more limited exposure and expertise in mining and small scale engineering firms: Core skills that Shane possesses which have made him a successful food and agribusiness consultant for nearly 14 years, include: Excellent ability to understand client issues, problems and identify opportunities. Strong ability to communicate with, and have the trust of, growers and others engaged in the food and agribusiness supply chain, right up to major food retailers.

Before meeting with lenders, study and understand the ins and outs of the area you operate in. This will not only allow you to secure finance but also help you avoid issues down the line. It is a big mistake to go into a meeting without thorough knowledge of your project. Investors are likely to ask a lot of questions, which you will only be able to answer if you’ve done your research. It’s important to be honest about your experience and realistic about your goals. Be clear and transparent about the nature of your business and explain the strategies you plan to implement to achieve your objectives. This will ultimately help your case when you take your application to potential lenders. Property development can be a risky business, and investors will only back someone they trust.

Shane Comiskey Brisbane Queensland real estate advices: Highlight The Salient Features Of The Neighborhood! To most people looking to invest in a property, the location is an important deciding factor. If it is a home they are in the market for, they may be seeking a quiet neighbourhood and good views. On the other hand, someone looking to purchase a commercial space probably wants it to be centrally located and easy to reach. Remember that you’re not just selling the property, but the location as well. The neighbourhood the building is in is as important as the space itself. Mention the perks of the location in all your marketing materials. When showing the property to a prospective buyer, make sure all these features are pointed out. Talk about what the area is famous for, like restaurants, parks, nightlife, music venues and art galleries. By doing this, you’re giving them the chance to visualise how purchasing the property would enhance their lives. It offers them the promise of a better future before they’ve even seen the building in person.

While using videos to showcase a property is not a new strategy, many marketers underutilize this marketing avenue. Online video tours are a great way to show potential buyers the development and will help them get a feel of the space. Photos cannot do the same justice to the interiors of a home that high-definition videography can. Videos are also retained longer in people’s minds since they are more likely to consume this type of content thoroughly, as opposed to just skimming through it. Making your website more video centric could be the key to creating better engagement with your audience. Consumer tastes are changing, and purchasing a property is no longer about opting for the most practical choice. Buyers, particularly first time homeowners, often have their dreams tied to the property they are looking to purchase. It is a gateway to a better life and the fulfillment of a lifelong ambition. So it’s important to consider this when thinking about the branding of your development. See even more information on Shane Comiskey.

Sweetee Citrus Pty Ltd – Development of a strategic joint venture between Sweetee Citrus Pty Ltd and Australian Food and Fibre Limited (Golden Mile Farms) to jointly own and operate Central Fruit Packers Limited and assistance in the development of corporate and chain marketing strategy for the consolidated marketing of multiple brands through a single channel. Central Burnett Grower & Packhouse Roll Up – On behalf of 3 growers formulated a joint divestment strategy involving 9 citrus orchards and 3 packhouses, which after the development of a detailed Information Memorandum, was marketed domestically and internationally using a ‘under the radar’ approach.