Childrens crowns dental clinic London from We are passionate and dedicated to providing the best possible standard of paediatric orthodontic treatments in London, with state of the art technology in a child-friendly, playful and relaxed atmosphere. Our expert paediatric orthodontics team includes a highly skilled specialist orthodontist Dr Nadia Hikmat (GDC No: 177467), who has over 13 years of paediatric orthodontic experience and was mentored early in her career by one of the UK’s leading orthodontists. All of our highly experienced orthodontists are members of the General Dental Council (GDC) and our practice is regulated and monitored by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), so you can rest assured your kids are in safe hands here at Toothbeary. Read additional details childrens dental hypnosis London.

Convenience: Since dental implants are the closest thing to natural teeth, they are more convenient than other tooth replacement options. They do not require special dietary restrictions and can be cared for just like your natural teeth. Patients can eat their favorite foods and enjoy their favorite activities without worrying about their teeth. Improved Self-Confidence: Dental implants can have a significant impact on a patient’s self-confidence. Patients with missing teeth often feel self-conscious about their appearance, and may avoid social situations or hide their smile. Dental implants provide a natural-looking and comfortable solution, helping patients to feel more confident and outgoing.

Do you want to maintain healthy teeth and gums? Here are some tips: Brush thoroughly. Tooth brushing should take between two and three minutes. Floss your teeth daily. Use a slow and gentle sawing motion. Limit acidic drinks like soft drinks, cordials and fruit juices. Food acids soften tooth material and dissolve the minerals in tooth enamel, causing holes (cavities or caries). In severe cases, teeth may be ‘eaten’ right down to the gum.|Teeth whitening tips. One simple strategy can help maintain white teeth: brush. Brush at least twice daily. Even better, brush after every meal and snack. Brushing helps prevent stains and yellow teeth, especially at the gum line. Both electric and sonic toothbrushes may be superior to traditional toothbrushes in removing plaque and surface stains on teeth. Also, don’t forget to floss and use an antiseptic mouthwash daily.

The results you get from teeth whitening depend on what your teeth were like when you started. Some people think whitening erases all the damage they’ve done to their teeth over their lifetimes, but the opposite is true: The better you’ve cared for your teeth, the greater the results. The more you’ve maintained regular dental appointments, brushed and flossed regularly, and avoided damage and discoloration, the whiter your teeth will appear after a teeth whitening service.

Oral Hygiene for Preteens: As children grow older and more of their permanent teeth come in, a rigorous daily dental hygiene routine is crucial to keeping teeth and gums healthy. However, it can be difficult to keep preteens interested in their oral care. Try these tips to keep your child on track: As preteens become more conscious of their appearance, it can be helpful to remind them that good oral care can help them look and feel better.

Getting your child to follow a healthy dental routine is easier said than done. Kids don’t have the same mindset for hygiene responsibility like us adults. They always have to be reminded when to brush their teeth and explained why they should. If you’re a parent who’s worried about your child’s dental health, it’s time to offer help to your little one. With the right technique, you can even do it in a fun and hassle-free way. Here are amusing ways to encourage your children to look after their teeth.

Watch Out for Sweet Medicine: Children’s medications can be flavored and sugary. If they stick on the teeth, the chance of cavities goes up. Children on medications for chronic conditions such as asthma and heart problems often have a higher decay rate.

Encourage drinking milk. Milk can help build strong teeth by restoring calcium. If your child has a dairy allergy, look for calcium-fortified alternatives like almond, oat, or soy. Choose tooth-friendly snacks. The fiber in healthy snacks like apples and carrots helps to break up plaque and stimulate saliva production. Eating a fresh, juicy apple for an afternoon snack can be almost as effective as brushing. Although it’s a natural reflex, thumbsucking can seriously damage your child’s teeth. It’s important to break the habit before their permanent teeth start to emerge.

Brush twice a day and floss daily. Gum disease and tooth decay remain big problems — and not just for older people. Three-fourths of teenagers have gums that bleed, according to the American Dental Hygienists’ Association. Also remember to change your toothbrush 3 to 4 times a year. Rinse or chew gum after meals. In addition to brushing and flossing, rinsing your mouth with an antibacterial rinse can help prevent decay and gum problems. Chewing sugar-free gum after a meal can also protect by increasing saliva flow, which naturally washes bacteria away and neutralizes acid.

Summer dental tip : Don’t Overdo Snacks: It’s only natural to want to make sure your children are getting enough to eat. However, make sure that you aren’t giving your children too many snacks throughout the day. Believe us when we say your children will let you know when they’re hungry. When they sound the alarm, then you can bring out the snacks. An experienced pediatric dentist can give you suggestions for healthy snacks.

Toothbeary is an award winning children’s dentist in London designed to appeal to youngsters of all ages with a fun, welcoming atmosphere, lots of colour & child-friendly benches. It is a great testament to the dedication, care and expertise of our children’s dental team that we have earnt a 5* review rating via Google My Business. All our dentists are registered with the General Dental Council (GDC) and our state-of-the-art Richmond practice is regulated and regularly monitored by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Discover extra info