Premium digital marketing strategies by Brian Houchins: Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR and AR) are ushering in an era of immersive marketing experiences. Brands are leveraging these technologies to offer consumers a virtual touch and feel of their products, significantly enhancing customer engagement. Expect VR and AR to become integral to experiential marketing strategies in 2024. Predictive analytics will take center stage in 2024. Powered by machine learning algorithms, predictive analytics allow marketers to forecast consumer behavior and purchase patterns. This trend helps businesses develop proactive marketing strategies that resonate with consumer needs. Read extra information on Brian Houchins.

Internet use is still increasing worldwide every day — in fact, over 4.95 billion people around the world use the internet, as of 2022. Marketing is, and always has been, about reaching customers where they are. TV commercials, print advertisements, and billboards all attempt to do just that. The internet offers unique benefits other marketing mediums can’t offer — scope of reach, the option to personalize content, and the opportunity to build far-reaching relationships with customers, being just a few. But the internet can be an overwhelming and all-encompassing entity, filled with videos and recipes and news articles and e-commerce sites. In the crowded space of the internet, how are you supposed to differentiate your business to reach the right audience?

Why China dropshipping? Manufacturing is by far the biggest industry in China accounting for 46.8% of the country’s GDP which is attributed to China’s intense investment in its heavy industries. China’s manufacturing industry has experienced tremendous growth in the past century, with the country rising from being a small-scale player in global manufacturing to become the largest manufacturer in 2010, surpassing the United States which had held that distinction for over a century. As a testament to the booming industry in the country, China used more cement in three years between 2011 and 2013 than the US’s cumulative consumption in the entire 20th century. The total manufacturing output in China is equivalent to 19.8% of the total global production.

It is strongly recommended that you learn how to turn abandoned carts into dropshipping sales. Several factors can cause cart abandonment. For example, some internet users lose their motivation to make a purchase when there are too many steps to take before they can enter their credit card number and confirm their order. Others are reluctant to complete their order when they do not have enough information about the company or delivery terms, their preferred payment method is not available or the delivery costs are too high. In short, prominent information and a variety of payment methods can make all the difference in turning a buyer’s interest in a product into a real sale. Don’t underestimate the impact of abandoned cart notification. Over $1 million in revenue. A 10:1 ROI for marketing spend. An 81% increase in Black Friday revenue. These are just some of the results Shopify Plus stores are achieving using abandoned cart push notifications and SMS.

The reason behind doing competitor analysis is to reverse engineer the best things that your competitors are doing in their search engine optimization strategy. It involves researching links, content, and keywords to see what is already working for them. Find out who your competitors are, for 10-20 of your most popular keywords. Track all of this and observe the websites that keep appearing for most keywords. They are your true SEO competitors. Identify valuable keywords that your competitors rank highly for, but you don’t. Find out where you rank for these keywords and analyze how your competitors to rank for them. Also, discover your competitor’s top content and the methods that they use to distribute it. See additional info on Brian Houchins.

So with a shift in how we measure engagement, it’s only natural that we change how we try to improve engagement on our feeds. It’s not just about likes anymore — Instagram engagement is going to become a lot more holistic in 2020! To help you improve your Instagram strategy, we’re sharing our best strategic tips to boosting engagement on your posts, videos and stories.

As seen with Tik Tok’s immense success happening overnight, staying up to date with trends both content and platform-wise keeps your brand relevant to your target audience. If you lack the expertise or time to implement social media marketing strategies in real-time you could miss valuable opportunities. How often you should post on social media depends on the channel. For Twitter, it’s recommended that you tweet about three times a day, while on Instagram, brands usually post once or twice a day. Frequency is something to keep in mind, but more than anything else, successful social media marketing requires consistency. If you post several times a day, then transition to a few times per week, you will start to lose followers and generate lower engagement per post. To achieve consistency, you must have a clear plan and allocate time to put it into action.

Brian Houchins on Digital Marketing : Social media marketing, for instance, works better for targeting your ideal target consumer base, demand generation, building brand awareness and prospecting potential customers. Pay Per Click (Pay Per Click) marketing ads, on the other hand, work better for serving your generated demand and capturing it i.e. where you know your product is wanted and when it is wanted, then you can roll out your ad’s to generate sales. Instead of jumping in without a plan, you must focus on establishing your main sales channels that are your money makers first. Once you have that place and have a stable stream of sales, you can then achieve the kind of revenues that enable you to expand your marketing funnel and add more marketing channels to your wider funnel. Your advertising must always pay for itself – setting aside so-called ‘loss leaders’, which are an exception.