Quality holistic wellness support system by theoddpro.com: Networking: 70% of adults consider networking vital to their personal and professional growth (LinkedIn). Social isolation has risen to alarming levels, with 61% of adults reporting feelings of loneliness, based on data from the Kaiser Family Foundation. Resources: Over 10 million individuals in the United States are facing housing insecurity due to the pandemic, according to the National Low Income Housing Coalition. Over 10% of individuals feel they lack someone to rely on in times of need (Social Psychological and Personality Science). Find extra information on holistic wellness resources.

Therapy with Dr. Ish: Members can participate in weekly therapy sessions led by renowned TV personality, Dr. Ish, known for his appearances on The Doctors, The Today Show, and Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars. Dr. Ish offers expert guidance and support for personal growth and emotional well-being. Mentoring Video Benefits: The 24/7 Mentoring Video Benefits provide valuable insights and the opportunity to learn at one’s own pace. The program covers a wide range of personal and professional growth topics, empowering members to excel in various areas of life.

Get a Coach – If you learn everything, but your implementation experiences leave something more desired, you may want to engage a life coach to assist you. If you know some life mentors who concentrate on personal development, you might require speaking to them. If you don’t know anyone, ask your collaborators for suggestions. They will likely know someone or point you to someone who would no longer on the subject. One thing to memorize about personal development is that it’s a continuous process. It has no end. There is no actual ending line. For this reason, it’s most helpful to cultivate perseverance and tenacity as you pursue the path you’ve conceived for yourself, improving as you go based on facts, and learning about what is genuinely, and truly meaningful to you buried in your subconscious. It’s all about acknowledging who you are and living a life that represents who you are.

Another benefit for people who practice meditation for health reasons is that mindfulness meditation has been shown to help control blood pressure. According to a study reported in the British Medical Journal, patients who practiced meditation-based exercises had considerably lower blood pressure than those in the control group. Experts believe that meditation reduces the body’s responsiveness to cortisol and other stress hormones, which is similar to how blood pressure reducing medications work. It’s one of meditation’s great health blessings.

Feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders? Meditation is incredibly effective at reducing stress and anxiety. One study found that mindfulness and zen type meditations significantly reduce stress when practiced over a period of three months. Another study revealed that meditation literally reduces the density of brain tissue associated with anxiety and worrying. If you want your stress levels to plummet, meditation may be the answer.

Studies have shown that meditation improves self-image and self-worth. When we meditate, we get a clear picture of our mind and become aware of the thoughts that drive our emotions and actions at the moment. A large-scale study found that regular meditation decreases the likelihood of developing depression and mood-related disorders (Jain, Walsh, Cahn, 2015). Besides some forms of meditative practices which also promoted positive thinking, as researchers stated, and could improve the overall emotional health of an individual.

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